
Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Looking Back / News Years Resolution 2013

Last year (2012), I had tonnes of resolutions. I did pretty well on them, but going into 2013 I wanted to focus on something very important to me: reading.

Sadly in the last few years, reading has gone on a backbench in my life, being overtaken by schoolwork, a part-time job, friends, Facebook, Tumblr, instagram, TV shows, YouTube... you get the gist. I know I'm not alone in this, and a few of my friends have also expressed frustration/disappointment in the fact they no longer finding themselves reading in the same way they did when younger.

I only had one resolution for 2013, and it was to 'Read more books.' I didn't give myself a number goal, or specify the types of books, or even list the books I wanted to read. It was as simple as those three words.

Over the year, I wrote down the names of all the books that I completed. I had to complete them to write them down, because so often I'd start and never finish a book, and the whole point was to get back into actually finishing books.

The first few months of the year I did pretty well, but as soon as I was really in the thick of school and work and the year kept plodding along, I once again found myself not reading anything for months and months.

In this whole year, I've only completed 6 books. In all honesty, it is better than last year, but it's still nowhere near where I'd like to be with reading. I want to get back to how I used to be - never not reading something, and at least a chapter of a book each day.

This year I have more than just one resolution, but I'm going to continue in my efforts to read more. Reading is such a nice getaway, it stimulates your mind, takes you out of the instant-gratification world of social media and allows you to explore concepts you can't in your mundane life.

There are so many good books, and so little time to read them.

So, for 2014, my aim is to read more than 6 books!

If you're interested, below are the 6 books I completed in 2013 (in chronological order).

I recommend them all - they're all fantastic books - but my favourite was Anne Frank's Diary. It was so very moving.




  1. Same with me! I hardly read anymore - especially when you compare it to my reading habits when I was younger. One book I did read last year was The Book Thief, which was sooo amazing. I recommend it x100.

    Happy reading! x

  2. I know exactly what you mean with reading, the internet just takes over!
    Happy new year!
