
Saturday, 27 April 2013

The Happening Palette

So in the last few weeks, I've become a bit very-much-into makeup. I'd say obsessed, but I don't think I'm quite there yet (or maybe I'm just in denial).

My love started when I found Zoella on YouTube. I think it was her February Favourites video that I first watched and I was just amazed by how pulled together she was and she always looked gorgeous and I just loved her. Anyway, she was going to Florida and she mentioned that she bought the Happening Palette from Nars. She said it was a great palette to have in your bag and that she found herself reaching for it a lot during her trip to Florida.

So one Sunday, I was feeling down and I decided to go into the city and buy myself some things. I gave myself a budget of maybe $80-$120 max. I wanted to look at some winter clothes, and buy some liquid eyeliner, and some new foundation.

I spent $440 that day. For anyone, that's a lot. For someone earning an average of $80 a week... it's ridiculous.

I've never much been all that into makeup before (this has changed). I liked it, and I liked knowing how to use it, but I'd never had a massive collection. But that day, I bought a lot of makeup. Half of my spending spree went to makeup. But the real killer was the Happening Palette, at $105 it took up almost a quarter of my spending. I could've found it cheaper online, but I just wanted it then and there. I was expecting it to be $75, when I found out it was $30 more, it didn't stop me.

To be honest, I wasn't that impressed with it. I liked having it because Zoe has it. I liked the orgasm blusher, the light shimmery colour shadow was nice and the dark brown matte was nice too, but I didn't get what all the rage was about. It was alright. I didn't have a bronzer or a blusher before, so it was handy to have those. But I was fairly disappointed and I thought I could've spent my money better.

As I've mentioned, I'm fairly new to the world of makeup. Most of my experience with it has been for stage, or photoshoots, which means dramatic and bold. What I didn't really understand about the Happening Palette at first is that it's more of an everyday, day-time palette. Light bronzer, pretty blusher, natural shades. After a few weeks of having it, I love it. I love it a lot. The purple is such a nice addition to the neutral brown, and the dark matte is great for eyelining. The blusher is so pretty, and the bronzer adds nice definition to my face. It's small, and portable. The mirror is big, and the packaging is lovely. I'm very glad I bought it. It's not a palette to do a smokey eye with, but it's certainly great for a nice, simple, pulled together look.

I'm going to a music festival today. I've done all my blusher/bronzer/eyeshadow using the Happening Palette and I'm quite pleased with the result. With it I'm wearing the amplified lipstick Girl About Town from MAC (another splurge that I love - so pink!).

Overall, I believe the Happening Palette was a good investment. Though next time I would probably try and find it cheaper than $105!


Friday, 26 April 2013

Life post!

My life has changed a lot in the last few months.

This year has been quite a extraordinary change for me, and I knew it was coming.  In fact, I was terrified of the change. I didn't expect I'd be able to cope with so much being different. But now that it's happened/is happening, I think it's possibly been one of the most beneficial occurrences ever happened to me.

For the record, the last couple of years haven't been the best. They certainly haven't been dreadful, but in myself I was unhappy and I felt very trapped and miserable a lot of the time. I think I was trying to be someone I wasn't, and not in extremes, just in little things like what I liked and what I didn't like. I was scared that I'd just get worse. But this year, with everything changing, I felt like it was a good opportunity to break out of what I used to be and be honest to who I am. So that's what I'm trying to do now, and it's not all sunshine and happiness and confidence, but I'm generally a lot more content with myself and the world.

So I'm going to write a list of 25 good things about myself and the present.

1. My hair is getting longer!

2. The weather is beautiful today.

3. I'm discovering new things.

4. I've been getting closer to different people.

5. I ended a toxic friendship/relationship.

6. I'm a lot more comfortable in my body than I used to be,

7. I'm a lot more confident doing things I like, and less afraid of being judged.

8. I've been getting out more.

9. I've used my holidays for fun.

10. I did my nails and didn't ruin them for the first time in years! (thank you quick-dry nailpolish!)

11. I'm embracing my love of clothes/makeup/hair, despite years of saying I'd never become someone obsessed with it.

12. I have three hilarious and gorgeous kittens.

13. I'm not so afraid of asking people to do things with me.

14. I made pancakes for breakfast.

15. I've found some really good bands recently.

16. I'm getting more clothes I genuinely like.

17. I have friends over more.

18. I'm taking more care of myself.

19. Lauren's sending me a package from America!

20. My mum is one of the funniest people.

21. Cuddles.

22. I've got so much tea!

23. I feel like I'm contributing to the world more.

24. I've decided my favourite flower is a sunflower.

25. My favourite colour is yellow, because yellow makes me happy.

I'm pretty good at the moment. I still have bad days, but they don't last as long.

Things aren't too bad.